Mom with baby

Are you ready for Surrogacy?

We offer two levels of surrogacy support:

  1. Initial consultation including a 30-minute call about opportunities for Surrogacy In Asia with an experienced consultant and email support. FREE
  2. Referral to a reputable surrogacy service with professional support, consultancy and management: US $3,000

There are a number of factors which impact on the availability of surrogacy. Many depend on the legal situation in your home country. Many countries have quite strict laws regarding overseas egg donation and surrogacy.  You also need to take into account whether you can afford to use a surrogate or if the time is right for you and/or your partner in your personal and professional lives.

Couples especially need to be equally committed to the process because Surrogacy can be an emotional rollercoaster with highs and lows that can create disharmony in relationships.

It is important to take the time you need, and to access the right information and support, to make a clear and comfortable decision. We can help you.

We assist three categories of parents seeking surrogacy:

  1. Gay couples
  2. Heterosexual couples
  3. Single & unmarried parents