Gay male couple checking a cell phone

Gay Surrogacy

Most governments have finally accepted that Gay parents are just as capable of rearing a loving family as heterosexual parents. And why not? Their children are just as psychologically healthy and well-adjusted. Talk to us about your options. We have clinics in the EU and Asia,

Gay Surrogacy FAQ

Who will be the biological parent?

Unlike surrogacy for heterosexual couples, where both parent’s genetic material can be used to create their family, gay couples need to decide whose sperm will be used to create the embryos and establish a biological link. Some Gay couples choose to fertilize eggs using both partner’s semen. This allows either of them to be the biological father of a child.

Simple Pros and cons of gay surrogacy

Although surrogacy presents a wonderful opportunity for Gay parents it can also be a long, complicated, financially draining, and emotionally charged process, so each parent needs to consider the pro and cons of gay surrogacy very carefully.


  • Surrogacy is the only way to create a genetically linked family for gay couples, and with the higher success rate achieved by using egg donors you are guaranteed a family of your own.
  • Unlike adoption, Surrogacy makes it possible for Gay couples to have a biological link with their children.


  • Legally, Surrogacy can be a complex process for Gay couples. It requires added documentation and proof or parentage of the baby. And some countries make it difficult for Gay Parents to be recognised.
  • The cost of surrogacy is often higher for gay parents as compared to adoption or hetero couples.
  • It can take longer than you anticipate for a successful pregnancy. Some parents have 4 or more cycles.

Is surrogacy legal for gay couples?

Different countries have different laws regulating gay surrogacy. Some countries, such as the Ukraine, don’t allow or accept surrogate contracts for same-sex couples.

This can restrict the options for a legal surrogacy process for Gay parents. In some countries, Gay couples also need to go through an additional procedure to be legally recognized as the parents of their children and to obtain a birth certificate naming both parent’s as the fathers. This might include:

  • A pre-birth order to secure their surrogacy journey,
  • The full adoption of the surrogacy baby,
  • Parent adoption, or second-parent adoption to ensure both partners are legal parents of the child.

The intended parents need to consult and work closely with surrogacy professionals and a lawyer familiar with state surrogacy laws to navigate the legal procedure. You can contact a surrogacy agency locally or internationally to discuss the requirements in your condition and find out your choices for finishing the surrogacy procedure, no matter where you live.

Although the surrogacy procedure itself is no different for Gay couples than any other intended parent, there are extra legal considerations to take into account.

The countries we recommend for surrogacy

  • seAsia (Suitable for everyone but particularly Gay-friendly) From US$34,000 plus referral fees
  • Countries in Latin America suitable for Gay and male/female couples.
  • Mexico From U $56,000 plus referral fee
  • Colombia from US$56,000 plus referral fee
  • Argentina from US$58,000 plus referral fee

Gay Surrogacy Costs

Costs can be higher than say, for a hetero couple, because an egg donor, along with surrogacy is needed to achieve parenthood. The cost of egg donation also depends on the type of egg donor needed. Caucasian donors can be less costly as they are often included in the surrogacy programs for Gay parents. Asian donors are harder to source and often their eggs, or your embryos, have to be transported to the country where surrogacy will be performed. Shipping to our recommended destinations is straightforward to arrange using our experienced professional cryo courier service.

A standard surrogacy program starts at US $34,000 plus referral fee.

Ready to Embark on Your Journey to Parenthood?

At Thai Surrogates, we’re dedicated to turning your dream of becoming parents into reality. Our tailored gay surrogacy services are designed with love, respect, and inclusivity at their core, ensuring you feel supported every step of the way. We’re here to guide you through this beautiful journey.

Don’t let the journey wait any longer. Contact us today to discover how we can help you build your family through surrogacy. Your future family starts with a conversation

Begin Your Parenthood Journey with Surrogate Families